When Might I Want to Create or Update my Estate Plan?

Often, Estate Planning needs coincide with life changes. Below we’ve listed some of the times when you should consider creating or updating your Estate Plan, but you can always contact us if you have questions or would like to review your existing plan.

  • Upon the creation of a financial or investment plan with your financial advisor.

  • When getting married, especially if it is a second marriage. If there are children from previous relationships, you should also consider a Prenuptial Agreement, in order to protect the interests of the children!

  • After a divorce.

  • Following the death of a spouse, child or other potential beneficiary.

  • Upon the receipt of a large amount of money, through inheritance or other.

  • The birth of a person you are, or may be, financially responsible for – or you may want to name as a beneficiary for any of your assets.

  • When you, or your beneficiary, turn 18!

  • When you move, especially if it is to a new state!


What Kind of Estate Planning Documents Might I Need?


What is Probate?